ReAssure supports the Women in Finance Charter

We strongly believe that creating an inclusive culture and striving for diversity is not only the right thing to do, but that it also makes us better at what we do.

Last year we proudly pledged our support to the HM Treasury’s Women in Finance Charter and as part of our charter commitment we set ourselves three targets:

  • 36% of senior management to be female by 2020;
  • 41% of senior management to be female by 2025, and
  • ReAssure will be acting on a range of initiatives to help our organization become truly diverse including, broadening the application of unconscious bias training and reviewing key processes to ensure they are gender neutral.

Currently women make up 30% of our leadership. This is a small but positive increase from where we started and moves us towards our target for 2020.

Whilst we’re pleased to be making progress towards our target we know that we need to continue to focus on this important issue if we’re to achieve our targets.